Buy Creston First
Did you know…

Certainly these dollars could mean expanded products and services, added jobs and salaries, and better schools, parks, streets and public services – if they stayed in Creston.
…the good news is that there is a way to make this happen. Our research shows that if companies and households would spend just five percent of their current out-of-area purchases within the local economy, Creston would see an economic jolt of nearly $8,107,000 million dollars! That’s why the Creston Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring an initiative for area businesses and households to “Buy Creston First” – to look for purchasing opportunities within the Creston area – before they buy anywhere else.
What’s a local business? Simply, any business that has operations in Creston is a local business. Businesses located here employ our friends and neighbors and contribute to the local tax base, and we can support them not by spending any more money, but just by shifting five percent of what we already spend into the local economy!
Show your commitment to the Creston Community – become a “Buy/Shop Creston First” pledge company/ individual! Just fill out the “Buy/Shop Creston First” pledge card, and drop it in the mail, or stop by the Chamber Office to pick up the paperwork!
Why was the Buy/Shop Creston First Campaign created?
This campaign was developed in response to the concern expressed by several Chamber members about the amount of business that was being lost to companies outside of the area. The campaign exists to encourage all area businesses and individuals to consider buying from local businesses before buying out-of-area.
Who is sponsoring the campaign?
The Creston Chamber of Commerce brings “Buy/Shop Creston First” to you, but this effort would not be possible without local companies and individuals.
What is the goal of the campaign?
Our ultimate goal is to affect a shift in local business-to-business and household purchasing so that five percent of the amount now spent outside the Creston area is returned to our local community. We will do this by increasing public awareness about the advantages of buying from local businesses and promoting area businesses. We hope to not only improve the bottom line for these businesses but also improve the local economy overall and create a sustainable future for our community. We are asking businesses, households and local government to take a look at their purchasing habits and to pledge to shift five percent of their out-of-area purchases back into the local area.
Where do the statistics come from?
Data for this campaign was received from the economic analysis software IMPLAN (IMPLAN Professional 2.0.1018) using 2001 data for Creston. $132,200,000 is the total amount of goods and services purchased from out of area vendors annually that could have been purchased here. We would like to thank Iowa State University economist David Swenson for his assistance in acquiring, compiling and interpreting this information.
Are the results being tracked?
Yes. We will work with our pledge companies and individuals to track the success of this campaign.
How do you define a ‘local’ business?
We consider any business with operations in the Creston area to be local. Businesses located here, whether small family-owned stores or part of a national chain or network, employ our family members, friends and neighbors and contribute to the local tax base.
What is the potential economic impact?
According to our research, if we can achieve a five percent shift in purchasing, that could mean over $6,274,000 million dollars put directly back into our local economy. As this money moves through the community it ‘multiplies’ and could result in $8,108,000 million dollars in economic impact. That could translate into 148 jobs and $2,960,000 million dollars in labor incomes!
What is the potential impact on the community?
There is tremendous potential! New jobs, business growth and expansion, improved public services, better streets, parks, and schools… the list goes on and on!
How can I help?
Just pledge to shift five percent of your current out-of-area purchases back into the local community! Whether you purchase $100 or $100,000 worth of goods annually, you will make a difference! Please let us know you are participating by completing the Buy/Shop Creston First pledge form, and we will recognize and promote you in the advertising that is done!
What if the things I need cannot be purchased locally?
Sometimes, the things you purchase are not available from local vendors. That is why we aren’t suggesting a 100 percent shift to local purchasing. Instead, we are encouraging businesses and individuals to shift just five percent of their current purchases back into the local area.
What if buying locally means paying a higher price for goods and services?
Sometimes the local price isn’t always the lowest, and we don’t expect you to pay more for goods and services unless you perceive that the value outweighs the price difference. By buying locally you may see significant savings in costs, storage and transportation. What we do hope is that you will at least give local vendors a chance to present their information to you.
How do I find a local vendor to cover my needs?
The Creston Chamber of Commerce makes its member directory available at the Chamber Office as well as available online. Search the categories there to find the vendors you need, and if you want to be included in that list, just send an email to the Chamber to become a member! If you do not have Internet access, the Chamber has this information at the Chamber Office and will be happy to provide you the information.
This is something we can all do to improve our community. And best of all, there is no additional cost because it’s money you’re already spending!
Creston Chamber of Commerce
R Realty
Boyd Appliance Center
Hometown Insurance & Hometown Realty
Berry Bros. Masonry Inc.
Kilgore’s Rental & Lease
Creston Walmart Super Center
Creston Super 8
Innovative Industries
Heartland Tire & Auto Center
Hair House/Hair Tech
Green Valley Realty
Cook Video & Appliance
Iowa State Savings Bank
Family Shoe Store
Jane’s Head-Quarters
F & M Body Shop
Van Gelder Clothing
St. Malachy Foundation
Office Machines Company
Creston Farm & Home Supply
Draper, Snodgrass, Mikkelsen & Co., P.C.
First National Bank, Creston
Creston Vision Clinic
Creston Animal Rescue Effort
Mufflers Plus/Quik Lube
Great Western Bank
Tyler Insurance Services, Inc.
Southern Iowa Resources for Families
Holiday Motel
State Savings Bank
Rieman Music
Stalker Chevrolet Inc.
Family Vision Center
Green Valley Pest Control & Lawn Care
Pokorny BP & Automotive Service
Wayne & Ginny Lents
Dino Groumoutis
Susan Dunphy
Al & Pat Pokorny
Ellen & Burke Gerharz
Jim Sissel/Glen Tull
Francis Doyle
Ellen & Paul Kearney
Loretta L. Harvey
Thad & Sandra Sickels
Gary & Chris Van Gelder
Bill & Janet Hayes
Randy & Joni Cook
Jeff & Marcia Kralik
Mike & Raquel Linch
Roger & Julie Lanning
Jerry & Ronda Katzer
Gary & Mary Jo Borcherding
Sharon Snodgrass