This Government Guide includes information about the City of Creston, Union County Officials and the State of Iowa.
City Government Information

Mayor’s Office:
Waylon Clayton, Mayor
641-782-2000 ext. 201
116 W. Adams St., Creston, IA 50801
City Council:
1st Ward: Jocelyn Blazek
2nd Ward: Josh Thompson
3rd Ward: Jennifer Worisek
4th Ward: Martin Graham
5th Ward: Steve Wintermute
At Large: Rich Madison
At Large: Kiki Scarberry
City Administrator:
Mike Taylor
641-782-2000 ext. 202
116 W. Adams St., Creston, IA 50801
City Clerk:
Brandea Leach
641-782-2000 ext. 203
116 W. Adams St., Creston, IA 50801
Police Department:
Paul Ver Meer, Police Chief
Phone: 911, Business: 641-782-8402
302 N. Pine St., Creston, IA 50801
Fire Department:
Todd Jackson, Fire Chief
Business: 641-782-5610, Fire: 911
500 N. Sumner Ave., Creston, IA 50801
Graceland Cemetery:
1830 S. Cherry, Creston, IA 50801
Parks and Recreation:
Rusty Zimmerman, Director
641-782-2000 ext. 206
116 W. Adams St., Creston, IA 50801
Public Works:
641-782-2000 ext. 207
116 W. Adams St., Creston, IA 50801
Public Library(Gibson Memorial):
641-782-2277, Fax: 641-782-4604
200 West Howard Street, Creston, IA 50801
Water Department:
Steve Guthrie, General Manager
820 South Park, Creston, IA 50801
Street Department:
TJ Parsons, Director
116 W. Adams, Creston, IA 50801
Municipal Airport:
Larry West, Airport Manager
1945 S. Cherry, Creston, IA 50801
Animal Control:
Doug Bierle, Officer
302 North Pine St., (Police Department) Creston, IA 50801
Union County Government Information
Union County is operated under a three member Board of Supervisors elected at-large. The Board of Supervisors meets every Monday at 9:00 a.m. Also elected are the county attorney, auditor, recorder, sheriff and treasurer.The court house is located at 300 North Pine in Creston. Website
Board of Supervisors:
Dennis Brown, Rick Friday and Dennis Hopkins – 641-782-1720
County Attorney:
Clerk of Court:
Allison Danilovich – 641-782-7315
Court actions-judgements, small claims, mechanics liens, traffic charges.
Jessica Hagen – 641-782-1735
Assess and value real property. Tax abatements, family farm credit, homestead.
Katie Carlton – 641-782-1725
Recording documents concerning land-ex. Mortgages, deeds, easements. Hunting & Fishing licenses and various applications needed to hunt. Boat, snowmobile and ATV registrations. Passports. Vital records-birth, death & marriage.
Sandy Hysell – 641-782-1701
Indexing of land transfers by legal descriptions. Billing for county government. Secretary to Board of Supervisors. Elections. Dog tags and liquor licenses.
Kelly Busch – 641-782-1710
Property taxes. Vehicle transfers.
Mark Shepherd – 641-782-8402
302 North Pine Street, Creston, Iowa 50801
Union County Emergency Management Director:
JoAnne Duckworth – 641-782-1622
705 East Taylor Street/Hwy 34 East, Creston, Iowa 50801
State of Iowa
Iowa Senate District 11
Senator Tom Shipley
Iowa District 21 House Representative
Representative Devon Wood