Benefits of Chamber Membership
- Business referrals: The Chamber promotes Chamber Members
- Promote and share Chamber members information on Social Media
- Free Directory listing on Chamber Web Site.
- Free Web Page links from Chamber Web Site.
- Regular email blasts on items of interest and upcoming events and activities
- Relocation Inquiries: Information to new or prospective residents to introduce them to Creston and Chamber members
- Sales from Creston Bucks that can only be spent at Chamber businesses
- A monthly newsletter with information about the Creston business community plus state and regional updates
- The ability to work with others to grow and improve Creston
- Use of the Chamber’s bulk mail permit for mailings over 200 pieces
- Advertising opportunities in the Chamber Newsletter (attachments)
- Promotion of Grand Openings and Chamber sponsored free Ribbon Cuttings and Chamber Coffees
- Chamber Ambassadors – attend open houses to bring in more people to your business and to make new contacts
- Opportunities to network and meet, other local business people
- An opportunity to access the Chamber’s “Newcomer” services which welcomes new people in our community
- Access to community resources including labels of members, non-members and industries, civic and service club lists
- The benefits of having the Chamber speak out for the community and business
- Free maps, guides and brochures for distribution.
Mission Statement
“Promote and showcase the community, to be a leadership organization which unifies the community and map a course for Creston’s future development”